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This is a form of individual hair removal that works particularly well for stubborn facial and body hair as well as light, blond, red, grey or white hair on all skin types. that doesn’t respond to laser hair reduction.

The bulb of the hair deep in the dermis is treated with high frequency and radio frequency current. Where laser and Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatments rely on the melanin in the hair being the chromophore attracting light energy, the Lamprobe current successfully targets the hair bulb irrespective of colour.

A probe is inserted down the natural opening of the hair follicle, a quick current is released, the probe is removed, the hair is then detached and the aesthetician easily slides the hair out with a tweezer.

A course

In order to be able to treat a hair follicle, the electrologist requires a hair to be actively growing. This allows the follicle to be identified and for the probe to be correctly inserted into the follicle. Hence, it is necessary to wait for all growth cycles to appear. As only a portion of hairs are visible at any one time this means it can require treatments over a range of 12 to 18 months for all hairs to be found and treated.

After preparing the skin, our experienced eyes and hands can expertly identify and remove black heads, milia and sebaceous filaments with the use of either an extraction needle or Lamprobe which utilizes radio wave and high-frequency technology. This leaves a beautifully clean ‘canvas’ for the treatments and products to work their magic.

Each treatment session is created specially for your specific skin condition. Our professional therapists will not only care for your skin but also treat you according to your pain threshold.

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